Arete Journal of Political Philosophy is an international, double blind peer-reviewed academic e-journal.

- The Journal is published electronically (e-journal) every six months, in May and November, twice a year.

- The articles to be sent for the May Issue are accepted until March (March 1), and the articles to be sent for the November Issue until September (September 1). The articles submitted after these dates are evaluated to be published in the next issue of the journal.

- The Journal accepts the articles in Turkish and English languages.

- It is expected that the articles submitted to the journal are related to political philosophy and provide original contributions to the problems of the field.

- The articles are pre-estimated by the editorial board and editor in terms of content, writing, and reference rules. The articles that are not prepared in accordance with the relevant criteria are not included in the referee assessment process. Depending on the status of deficiencies or errors, they are either sent back to the author with a request for correction or directly rejected.

The number of words for works in article type is between 6000-8000, and the number of words for text types such as book reviews is between 1000-3000. The works that do not comply with this word limit can be published with the suggestion of the referees who do a review or in cases deemed appropriate by the editorial board.

- The articles to be sent to the journal should be prepared according to the 6th edition of the APA (American Psychological Association) style as a reference system. For detailed information, please look at the writing rules in the top menu of our homepage.

- The articles to be submitted for publication should be sent from  the manuscript submission tab on the journal’s main page.

Double-Blind Refereeing System:

“Double-Blind Refereeing System" is applied in Arete Journal of Political Philosophy. The evaluation process is carried out in such a way that the authors of the article and the referees who supervise the article do not know each other's identities. The identities of the referees who refuse to evaluate the article are also hidden.

Due to the principle of "Blind Refereeing", the communication between the referees and the author is carried out through the Dergipark system, not among themselves and directly, but through the Editorial Unit. Articles are sent to three referees. Referees are given 15 days to accept or reject the article review invitation. If the referee refuses the review, a new referee is determined. If he accepts, the anonymous text of the article and the review report are sent. The time given to the referees to review the article is 15 days. However, if this period is insufficient, a second 15-day period is given. The refereeing process continues until 2 positive or 2 negative reports are received about the article. The referees may approve or disapprove of the articles, suggest corrections or suggest corrections and want to see them again.