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Flames of Counterfires: Thinking Pierre Bourdieu with the Idea of Political Resistance

In this study, the concepts of Pierre Bourdieu on the route of sociology and the critical role he attributed to sociology will be tried to be considered with the idea of political resistance. Striving to analyze the origins of inequality in the social world with a relational understanding by breaking away from the traditional dichotomy of objectivism and subjectivism, Bourdieu examines the hidden mechanisms of domination. According to him, understanding the social world is about revealing the forms of domination in this world. A studiously complex analysis of the social order reveals the ways in which forms of domination take place. By undertaking this kind of analysis, Bourdieu reveals how the dominated persons internalize domination. From his point of view, those who are dominated generally obey the founding rules and regularities that engender the social world, with desire to achieve the gains that are the object of struggle, accept the intolerable conditions of oppression and exploitation; but they can also disrupt the functioning of this world. Regardless of the social space, the dominated persons have the means to use a certain power against those in the dominant position. There are always possibilities for them to rebel and apply the forms of political resistance. This study questions to what extent these possibilities, Bourdieu envisioned for resistance and changing in his conceptual framework, can be realized, and whether they can constitute the social foundations of a radical change by creating a disruption in the functioning of the social order. Bourdieu always includes the possibility of political resistance in his sociology, despite all the references he makes to the continuous reporduction of patterns of inequality in the social world. The goal of his sociological analysis has a political meaning in that it provides tools to fight against the forms of domination by analyzing them. Here, this study aims to discuss the possibilities of political freedom in Bourdieu by thinking of him with the idea of political resistance. It tries to show how his socological approach is particularly related to an emancipatory politics and advocacy of a transnational state. Thus, it aims to reveal in detail the position of political resistance in Bourdieu’s sociology by identifying possible sources of resistance.


Space, Domination, Resistance, Sociology, Neoliberalism.


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    Arete Journal of Political Philosophy is indexed in:

    The Philosopher's Index, EBSCO (Political Science Complete), EBSCO (Central & Eastern European Academic Source) (CEEAS), ASOS (Akademia Sosyal Bilimler İndeksi)

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    For the next issue of the journal (Volume:4, Issue:2), you can submit your manuscripts until September 1, 2024, via the manuscript submission tab on our journal's homapage. 

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