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How Might the Gear of Hegel’ State of Wagon Turn with the Hand of Habermas in Modernity?

It is investigated in this paper whether Hegel's theory of the state is responsive to the ethical and physical degeneration problem of modernity. The main purpose of the paper is to indicate that the corporations in civil servant estate must include communicative practices to solve the degeneration of ethical and physical matters in the state. In the first part of the paper, the theorists who might influence Hegel’s state of mind are explained from the historical point of view. Secondly, by introducing Hegel’s time conditions, what Hegel’s state theory is questioned and what the gears of his state of wagon are attempted to be pointed out. Thirdly, the reason why Hegel’s dominant gear, namely, political constitution cannot reply to modernity and convey to the constitution in a practical sense how the relationship between a classical political economy with Hegel’s corporations could be deployed are propounded. As a last part before the conclusion, to converge towards Sittlichkeit, it is questioned that how the corporations of a civil servant might be a fruitful source of responding to today’s problems in state’ theory, thanks to Habermasian communicative practices.


G. W. F. Hegel, Jürgen Habermas, State of Wagon, Civil Servants, Communicative Practices.


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